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Useful sites for teachers: Mathematics

YouCubed from Stanford University aims to provide research-based resources that are accessible and practical

Math, Science & Music brings together these three subjects with interactive and visual resources designed to engage students of all ages, as well as a number of teacher toolkits

Mathigon is an attractive site, calling itself the textbook of the future — its resources are aimed at Grades 6-12

OpenIntro has introductory statistics textbooks for high school and college

Bedtime Math is a great idea for parents — get young children off to a great start by helping them develop positive ideas about math through fun math activities

Thinking Mathematics! has resources for high school math teachers

Interactivate has interactive lessons for math students from Grade 3 to Undergraduate (pick audience level)

TED-Ed has short videos about everyday-life applications of mathematics.

The Khan Academy is chock full of instructional videos, mainly on math and science topics.

Worseley School Science Files: science and math resources for all grades from middle elementary through senior high school

Math Drills has thousands of downloadable math worksheets

Math Worksheets Land, run by a retired (and now homeschooling) teacher, has thousands of free, printable math worksheets, covering a wide array of topics, from kindergarten to high school, and all aligned with the core curriculum. A nice resource.

This teacher's site on probability has hundreds of "Starters of the Day" as well as other activities related to teaching probability

Yummy Math offers teachers and students math activities that are relevant to events in the world

NRICH is "enriching mathematics" with rich materials for students and teachers of different ages

Here’s an extensive list of algebra resources for high school students (Thanks to Alyssa Britton’s class at Jean Massieu Academy)

Get the Math as about practical applications of algebra. It uses video and interactive challenges, and is aimed at middle and high school students.

Maths Worksheets World, which has over 12,000 K-12 math worksheets, lesson, homework, and quizzes. There's also free math worksheet makers to help you make your own.

Math Worksheet Center claims to offer over 8000 math worksheets for K-12 students (5 - 18 years)

Mathcasts provide screencasts for mathematics, math movies if you like

an eclectic mix of sound, science, and Incan history intended to interest high school students in Euclidean geometry

TeachEngineering has "teacher-tested, standards-based engineering content for K-12 teachers to use in science and math classrooms" at


Maya mathematical system:



The IMF has lesson plans and student interactives relating to monetary matters


Codeacademy looks like a nice resource for learning how to program in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and jQuery. There’s also a section called After-School Programming to help young people get started with creating a programming club at their school.

Computer Science Unplugged is a YouTube channel containing 50 videos aimed at communicating computer science concepts to students of all ages.